
Showing posts from 2015
The Festivals I think Life is so bore for all the people if we don't have any festival in our life. festivals are together us . and gives us the new power to work. they teach us live together and enjoy the life together. they grow us with a true Human feelings. In the world, every people need some help from others. if you are a human, then, this is natural build-in.  These festival bring us together and help us to make our civilization better. Every festival is include some real good things if we are ready to get them. to make our life happy.    have a good day!!
Linked List Program can we optimize it? how??? // playlist of songs and different operations apply on list #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> struct node* reverse_list(struct node *); struct node* create_list(struct node *,int,char *); struct node* insert_node(struct node *,int,int,char *); struct node* del_node(struct node *,int); void display(struct node *); struct node* search(struct node*,char *); char* match(char*,char*); struct node { char **p; struct node *next; }; main() { struct node *head=NULL; char *a="love song";   char *List[8]={"song1 of the list","music of the best","sangeet of hindi",      "listsong of all","sadsong of heart",      "marriage song with boom!!","love song","old song"};   int i,num,position,choice;   clrscr();   for(i=0;i<8;i++)   {    printf("%d\t%s\n",i+1,List[i]);   } ...
Girl the Half Generation of the World little bit sensitive and little bit more emotional  about the LIFE!! Don't need any make up,  Smile works!! SHE who has power to hypnotize  any man!! Keep Sm!le .....!!! 
Try not a good thing for lazy person!! the world TRY can make a person tired but it can give you a big Happy Smile of Success in your LIFE ...........!!!
Idea!! a big thing to have a change Idea is a big think for me........last many years, i saw the different way of teaching, i saw how to make big number, i saw how to win in competition.......and so many thing....but, it's new for me to learn how to think in LIFE.  i am ready to learn it. Thanks to provide me this chance!!
Give SOMEone ........A Sm!le........ It's Works!! :) have a good day!!!
Can this code be optimized: #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> void delThe(char *); main() {  char a[100];  printf("enter the sentence\n");  gets(a);  delThe(a);  printf("your sentence\n%s",a);  return 0; } void delThe(char *a) {       int i=0,j=0,k,blank=0;       int old_length, new_length,max,l;       char str[]={"0X20"};       k=strlen(str);       printf("%d\n",k);        while(a[i]!='\0')         {           if(a[i]==' ')             blank++;           i++;         }     old_length=i-1;     new_length=old_length+(3*blank);     max=new_length;       for(j=old_length;j>=0;j--,new_length--) ...
OPTIMIZE THE FOLLOWING CODE.................. #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void delThe(char []); main() {  char a[50];  printf("enter the sentence\n");  gets(a);  delThe(a);  printf("your sentence\n%s",a);  return 0; } void delThe(char *a) {       int i,j=0,k;       char str[3];       for(i=0;;i++)         {    k=i;              if(a[i]=='\0')             {                 break;             }else             {                 if(a[i]=='t'||a[i]=='T')                 {                    str[0]=a[i];             ...
today i am in deffodil......hisar........if get success then i am very happy..........otherwise it will be also good. i try my best....................let see bye.
the Final exam is over.........yahoooooooooooooo!!!  the new year  gives the new hopes and make our LIFe happy!! best of luck!!

N3W D@Y.......N3W P7@Ns F0R B3TT3R L1F3.......

tomorrow... a new day.......a simple new n next day of my LIFE. i am going to take new steps in my life , for my life tomorrow. i hope it makes my life better. little fear is there in my heart but that's not matter for me. i have to take that steps. i can try my best only.........i hope it works for me. have a beautiful LIFE!!!